Preparation for Tertiary Study

Academic Skills

Course availability

6 months

Course Information

This suite of learning modules aims to help you to “hit the ground running” when you start tertiary study.

A total of 10 learning modules (approximately 20 hours of learning) cover essential reading and writing skills as well as personal wellbeing tips. Dip in and out of whatever topic you need to as it suits.

The course starts by exploring what good quality information looks like in an age of misinformation. We then look at how to extract the bits of information that you need quickly.

Once you’ve got your reading strategies sorted, we put that together in writing. Four modules cover a wide range of academic writing skills. But is that all there is to it?

No, that’s not all! We look at how to reference other people’s ideas properly and how to lift the quality of your work through editing and proofreading. You can also explore a module on the aspects of writing that tutors find are common problems among ākonga.

Finally, it’s really important to keep your health and wellbeing in mind when you study. We provide a module with tips and tricks for managing time and your wellbeing during study.

The course is suitable for all those interested in starting tertiary studies in any field. After completing the course, ākonga should feel more confident with academic language, skills and processes. Our aim is that this will help ākonga with transition into tertiary study.

Estimated Duration

20 hours depending on previous experience.

Target Audience

Ākonga who are unsure of the academic demands of tertiary study and want to explore this ahead of commencing study.


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